iPTT-POC App for iOS

iPTT | iPTT-POC App for iOS

Version 1.2.1 of the iPTT-POC App for iOS, turns your iPhone or iPad into a PTT over Cellular Radio Terminal. You get the following benefits: PTT communication | Individual/Private call | Monitor several groups | Send Alarm | Receive Alarm | Live GPS Tracking | Historical GPS Tracking (snail trail) | Easily overview of location of radios | Latched calling – automatically zooms in on the person talking | Change Groups/Channels | Late Entry

CP300 and water

iPTT | CP300 and water

We tested the CP300 from iPTT with a water hose. Please watch the video to see how that went.

CP300 goes Skiing

iPTT | CP300 goes Skiing

Nationwide and Global PTT from iPTT also works in the Austrian Alps. Want to know more, please contact iPTT on 01202 240 366 or email info@iPTT.co.uk